University Work

This is a collection of my coursework over the course of my degree. You will also find Three Thing Game projects here. Three Thing Game is the University of Hulls game jam, where you are given three items to make a game with.



This was a group project, in which we had to create an engine for a 3D pacman game. I created the maze and the objects within the maze.


This was another group project, we created a turn based god game where you have to gain believers on all the planets. You can also perform miracles to gain beilevers or steal them from the enemy god. I worked mainly on the resource system, miracle system, A.I. system and the end turn system.

Banjo Attack

This is a a space invaders game, where you play as an accordian defending the world from evil banjos.

Hyper Space Cheese Battle

This is a console based snakes and ladders type game. It can be played against A.I or against other players.

Three Thing Game

Will be upadated soon